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Today we are talking about how families can cope with stress during the holidays. 🎄🤯

Especially during this festive season, It's important to prioritize self-care and take the time to recharge. This is not only a reminder for adults, but for children as well. If you’re feeling stressed out, your kids are probably experiencing something similar. So here are some stress busting ideas for the whole family to try out when thing's get tough-

✔️ Get some exercise, make it something you actually enjoy like sports or a walk with the family.

✔️ Create some healthy and delicious meals together as a family, try a new recipe and maybe start a tradition

✔️ Start a gratitude journal, especially beneficial during the holiday season when it becomes easy to compare yourself to other families.

✔️ Find something to make yourself laugh, it can help flip a switch in your mind to ease some stress.

✔️ Put away the phones as a family for an hour and just play some board games. Unplug together!

✔️ Get good sleep! Make bedtime relaxing and allow your mind to actually shut down and recharge.

Remember, self-care is not selfish; it's a necessary part of maintaining your mental and emotional well-being. So don't forget to make you and your family a priority this holiday season.

Today we are talking about healthy eating habits! 🥦🥕🍎 Discover the benefits of nutritious meals and boost your well-being. This is the perfect practice to take on as a whole family. Idea: get teens involved in gathering ingredients and creating even one healthy meal a week together as a family to start and go from there.

Here are some #healthy eating habits for the whole family. Pick one or two to try out for a month and see if it makes a difference:

1. Include a variety of fruits and vegetables in your meals.

2. Limit processed foods and opt for homemade meals.

3. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

4. Practice portion control and listen to your body's hunger cues.

5. Encourage regular physical activity for everyone.

Remember, small changes can lead to big health benefits! 💪

Today we are talking about ANXIETY 😵‍💫 Anxiety disorders are the world's most common mental disorders, affecting 301 million people in 2019 - so if you struggle with this know that you are not alone.

NIH has a great resource for identifying anxiety along with a self-help guide. Hare's some of the basic information they provide-

👉 What is anxiety? "Anxiety is an unpleasant feeling that everyone experiences sometimes. You might describe it as feeling very nervous or “wound up”. "

🤔 Why does it occur? Well there are different psychological, biological, and social reasons such as negative thoughts, bullying, and learned behaviors.

There's lots of ways to help reduce anxiety. It's all about what works for YOU. Here are a few ideas and be sure to check out the full NIH self help guide linked below for even more guidance and activities to help you work through your anxiety.

- Deep breaths

- Positive thinking

- Exercise

- Talk to a professional

- Chat with your friends

-Start a calming hobby

- Avoid stimulants like coffee

- Distract yourself

- Put on music

Here is the NIH article for more help understanding and reducing anxiety:

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