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A growth mindset is based around the idea of learning from experience and feedback, developing new skills, and using challenges as opportunities for improvement — all elements that can help build internal resilience for you and your whole family.

This mindset allows you to approach obstacles as opportunities for growth, rather than setbacks which can be extremely powerful for your mental health. It is a way to understand that setbacks and failures are not reflections of your worth or abilities, but rather stepping stones on your journey towards success.

So how can you start cultivating this growth mindset? Here a a few ways to get you started -

👉 Seek feedback: Constructive criticism is a valuable tool that enables you to identify blind spots, so don’t be afraid to ask others where you can improve.

👉Embrace failure. You are going to make mistakes, and that’s okay. Take ownership of your errors and give yourself the opportunity to correct it. After a mistake, get curious. Ask yourself, “what obstacles kept me from achieving my goal?”

👉Take pride in your journey. Focus on your progress, not results. When you fixate on the end goal, you lose sight of what you could learn along the way.

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For Self-Care Sunday we are talking about the benefit of daily affirmations! This is a great tool for anyone in the family who is combating negative thoughts. An affirmation or “positive affirmation” is something you say to yourself in order to challenge overwhelming negative thoughts.

Just like how exercise strengthens your body, positive affirmations are like a workout for your brain. By repeating positive statements to yourself, you can rewire your thoughts and cultivate a healthy mindset. Studies have shown that practicing positive affirmations can lead to reduced stress levels, increased self-esteem, and improved overall well-being. So why not give it a try?

💗 Affirmations should be tailored to you and your needs, but here is a list of some to get you thinking about what yours could look like.

-Today is going to be a great day!

-I am in charge of my actions and words!


-I am proud of myself.

-Today, I choose to be confident.

-I can get through anything I put my mind to.

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What’s unique about self-care is that it can look very different for every one of us. Activities that may soothe the soul and inspire positive emotions for one person may be stressful for another. For this reason, it’s important to recognize the types of activities or routines we create for ourselves that foster more joy, energy, and long-term benefits to all aspects of our wellbeing.

👥 Self-care is behaviors used to strengthen our endurance and increase our resilience to life around us. In other words, it helps cultivate the skills and self-awareness to cope with challenges in our everyday lives. Here are a few benefits of self-care:

  • Improve levels of concentration

  • Minimize frustration and anger

  • Boosts mood and levels of happiness Improves energy (both mentally and physically)

  • Reduce or eliminate symptoms of anxiety and depression

  • Reduce daily stress Increases life satisfaction

Self-care is a personal journey, what brings joy and happiness to one person may not have the same effect on another. It is crucial to discover and establish routines that promote overall wellbeing and contentment. Remember that self-care is not a luxury but a necessity for maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

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