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➡️ Are you on cruise control? It’s easy to fall into the trap of allowing your subconscious to make all the daily decisions in your life. To prioritize your mental health and be successful at life, you need to take accountability and be aware of what’s going on around you. Don't just fall into a daily grind, take control and prioritize YOU!

It’s never too late to make small changes that create healthy habits, so what are a few things you can do?

✔️ Take a break from screens, especially social media. Don't let your phone be the first things you reach for in the morning or at night.

✔️ Get good sleep each night, have a routine that helps you wind down.

✔️ Stress management. Life, work, relationships, school - these things can all be stressful from time to time. Find methods of stress relief that work for you.

✔️ Make a habit of taking more breaks during the day, enjoy your lunch or snack, overall make sure you're getting important breathers throughout the day.

✔️ Eat balanced meals throughout the day, remember food is fuel that you need to have energy and feel good.

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In case no one has told you yet - as a teen your emotional and mental well being should be a top priority in your life. School and social media can be stressful, life can become overwhelming. That's why there are so many tools to help us prioritize our mental health - such as these 6 helpful apps. Check out the links below to look around and see if there's one that is a good fit for YOU!

📌Caregivers - share this list of apps with the youth in your life! They need mental health resources and tools just as much (if not more) as adults.

➡️Breathr -

➡️Calm -

➡️Head Space -

➡️Mind Shift:

➡️Stop, Breathe, Think -

➡️Smiling Mind -

🫶 We're back! Today's topic is SORRY NOT SORRY. There's a lot of things we say sorry for that we shouldn't. It's nice to be nice, but you deserve to protect your mental health just as much as the next person. What are some things you should stop apologizing for?

- Prioritizing time to take care of your physical and mental needs

- Setting and enforcing your own boundaries

- Being a flawed human, because nobody is perfect

- Showing emotions or being upset, you're allowed to feel and shouldn't have to hide it

- Asking questions

- Going for what you want, aiming for success

Reflect: Take time to jot down things that you constantly find yourself apologizing for that you don't need to be sorry for. Be aware of them and remind yourself that not everything requires a sorry.

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