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Many of us are back to a regular work week tomorrow. This may involve long hours, approaching deadlines, and holiday preparations when the workday is done. StandUP AJ wants to encourage you to keep up a self care routine despite extra demands on your time during this holiday season.

This weeks self-care suggestions:

◘ Drink plenty of water - 6-8oz servings

◘ Spend time getting some fresh air - even if it's just a short walk, get your body on the move

◘ Pace yourself - spread out your holiday preps to accomplish a little more each day

◘ Work in some healthier food choices when possible

◘ Journal, let out your inner thoughts/frustrations/or celebrations on paper.

◘ Get in some relaxation YOU time - watch a favorite holiday movie, have a cup of cocoa, coffee, or tea, more ideas here:

◘ If the holidays are a struggle, it's ok to let it out - be sad, cry, process for a time, find a trusted person to share struggles with to help get through those moments

◘ Let go of expectations for a "perfect" holiday celebration - do what you can comfortably accomplish without getting overwhelmed, then sit back, relax and enjoy

This list is not all inclusive - if you know something works for you - do that!

It is also not a must do list. Pick and choose the ones that resonate with you.

Most importantly, enjoy a safe holiday season!

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Updated: Nov 28, 2021

Take the time to consider your mental heath needs, make a list of what YOU can do for YOU. Although we often see self care associated with massages or some form of pampering, that's not always what we truly need.

So what else can self care look like? Here are a few examples:

❀Being kind to yourself

❀Choosing not to overextend yourself that day ❀Knowing your limit and walking away ❀Listening to relaxing music

❀Creating more time for hobbies and your self interests.

❀Some exercise and fresh air

You will always be your best self advocate. Be safe, self care, and enjoy the rest of your weekend.

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