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There are many ways to take care of your mental health. Figure out what you need, set some realistic goals, and take it day by day. The best thing you can do it make it a habit for the whole family, especially if there's any youth in your life. Adolescents especially need guidance with prioritizing their mental health.

The National Institute of Mental Health website is a great place to start. "Self-Care means taking the time to do things that help you live well and improve both your physical health and mental health. When it comes to your mental health, Self-Care can help you manage stress, lower your risk of illness, and increase your energy. Even small acts of Self-Care in your daily life can have a big impact. "

Here are just a few of the practices it suggests. Be sure to check out the link for more details and the full article-

Tips to help you get started with Self-Care:

👉 Get regular exercise. Just 30 minutes of walking every day can help boost your mood and improve your health.

👉 Eat healthy, regular meals and stay hydrated. A balanced diet and plenty of water can improve your energy and focus throughout the day.

👉 Make sleep a priority. Stick to a schedule, and make sure you’re getting enough sleep.

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Today is a simple reminder that before you can take care of those around you, you have to nurture your own mental and physical health first.

"Self-care is the number one solution to helping somebody else. If you are being good to yourself and your body and your psyche, that serves other people better, because you will grow strong enough to lift someone else up." — Mary Lambert

Activity Idea: Jot down a list of all the ways you can prioritize your own needs for the week. Maybe break it up into a few tasks to accomplish for each day. Check out this article "13 Practices For Taking Better Care Of You " for more ideas

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Sometimes, no matter how good of sleep we get at night we can find ourselves sluggish and feeling out of it. Thankfully there are some things we can try to give ourselves the energy boost we need to get through the day.

Here are 7 tips to raising your energy:

👉 Breathwork: Breathwork can have a positive impact on your central nervous system. When you feel stressed, your breath tends to become fast and shallow. This limits the oxygen entering your bloodstream. Look up breathwork techniques like deep abdominal breathing or 4-7-8 breath.

👉 Meditate: Clear your mind, focus on your breathing, and relax if only for 10 minutes.

👉 Sing: Belt it out loud and proud!

👉 Give: Pay it forever, do a random act of kindness, or donate to a good cause. You might be surprised how good it can make you feel.

👉 Go Outside: Nature can help to recenter and ground you. Also a change of scenery can be a great mood boost.

👉 Eat Something Healthy: Eat foods with a low glycemic index for a natural energy boost

👉 Exercise: Good cardiovascular exercises will strengthen your heart and give you more stamina.

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