🫶 Remember to make self-care a priority for personal growth and overall well-being. Embrace self-compassion and kindness towards yourself to lead a more fulfilling and joyful life. Dedicate time to self-care routines and practice self-kindness daily to nurture your mental and emotional health.
So what daily habits can you cultivate to build up self love is that's something you struggle with? A Forbes Health article (linked in the blog) outlines a few different ways.
➡️ Start keeping a daily or weekly gratitude journal
➡️Force yourself to give yourself genuine compliments
➡️ Speak to yourself with the same kindness you reserve for a friend or loved one
➡️ Practice mindfulness through meditation
➡️Celebrate all your wins, big and small
➡️Limit screen time or even just social media time
Article referenced: https://buff.ly/3e119at