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Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is based around the idea of learning from experience and feedback, developing new skills, and using challenges as opportunities for improvement — all elements that can help build internal resilience for you and your whole family.

This mindset allows you to approach obstacles as opportunities for growth, rather than setbacks which can be extremely powerful for your mental health. It is a way to understand that setbacks and failures are not reflections of your worth or abilities, but rather stepping stones on your journey towards success.

So how can you start cultivating this growth mindset? Here a a few ways to get you started -

👉 Seek feedback: Constructive criticism is a valuable tool that enables you to identify blind spots, so don’t be afraid to ask others where you can improve.

👉Embrace failure. You are going to make mistakes, and that’s okay. Take ownership of your errors and give yourself the opportunity to correct it. After a mistake, get curious. Ask yourself, “what obstacles kept me from achieving my goal?”

👉Take pride in your journey. Focus on your progress, not results. When you fixate on the end goal, you lose sight of what you could learn along the way.

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