Jeffrey Mitchell
Jeffrey Mitchell is a business representative with his cleaning and detailing business, Freshen Up. He is the chair of AJ's Health and Human Services Board and also represents the Rotary Club and Kiwanis. His ideas such as Battle of the Badges have served to move the coalition forward in many ways. Some of his ideas are still in talking stages but are sound ideas that are exciting to plan. We are blessed to have him on the coalition!
What do you think has been the key to your success?
I would say the Secret to Success is to know my strengths and to lean into what I am good at. A few years ago, I took the Strengthsfinder 2.0 Test and know that I tend to be good at Planning and Organizing as part of the Strategic skill set. But I must say that nothing I do would be possible without a strong support team, notably my Wife of 12+ years, Sabrina Mitchell and my friend/employee Brandon Anthony.
What message do you have for adults or youth who may be struggling with things right now?
Struggling is just part of the process. If something is easy, it is probably not worth doing. Things will get better. There once was a story I read about a man who bought land and mined for gold. It was a difficult process, and he finally gave up after nearly going bankrupt. The next person who came in only had to drill down 3 feet to find gold. The moral, "Do not stop 3 feet from the Gold". I also heard this quote once; "The view from the mountaintop is nice, but the flowers grow in the valley".